
MBA Precautions for COVID-19 at MBA Events

Please review the response from the Manitoba Badminton Association Board of Directors regarding the COVID-19 Virus and the upcoming tournament and events in Manitoba.

The Manitoba Badminton Association will continue to monitor the situation with the COVID-19 Virus and how it relates to our upcoming local events. The MBA plans to work closely with the recommendations of our sport partners, Badminton Canada and Sport Manitoba as well as local and National health authorities. 


At this time all Provincial level events are still planned to occur and event organizers continue to work hard to run these events. However, the situation is fluid and could change from day to day. 


Right now the main recommendations from Health Authorities are to practice safe hygeine auch as consistent hand washing and to avoid touching around the face. The MBA will be requesting that all event organizers provide a suitable amount of hand sanitizer at events at this time.


We are asking that tournament participants take the following precautions:


  1. We encourage all players to minimize their time in the venue as much as possible. For example, leave the gym during breaks in matches and leave the gym when they are done competing for the day.
  2. We ask that all participants at the event use these 6 recommended steps to protect yourself from COVID 19

                                                               i.      Wash your hands frequently – regular and thorough cleaning of your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds.

                                                             ii.      Maintain social distancing - maintain at least 1 m (3 fee)t distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing and seizing.

                                                           iii.      Avoid touching your eyes nose and mouth - hands touch many surfaces and could pick up bacteria and viruses once contact needed and can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there the virus can get into your body and make you sick.

                                                           iv.      Practice respiratory hygiene - Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or a tissue when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of the tissue immediately.

                                                             v.      If you are feeling unwell – please stay home and notify us that you will not be coming in that day

                                                           vi.      If you have the symptoms of the coronavirus – fever, cough, difficult breathing seek medical attention however call ahead first to your doctor, clinic or hospital informing them of your situation

Badminton Canada’s position on COVID 19


  • Badminton Canada takes the health and wellbeing of its athletes and stakeholders seriously.
  • We share the global concerns related to the spread of the corona virus COVID-19.
  • We have committed as an organization to trust and respect the opinions and directions of the World’s Health Organizations, including the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Canadian Government and the various provincial health authorities with jurisdiction over their own areas. 
  • We will continue to follow the advice and recommendations of these health leaders in determining Badminton Canada’s own measured response appropriate to Canada and our organization specifically.
  • Our goal is to minimize the risk to our participants while continuing our operations in as close to a normal environment as possible.
  • At this time, PHAC has assessed the public health risk associated with COVID-19 as low for the general population in Canada. There is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for Canadians contracting the virus who:
    • are aged 65 and over
    • have compromised immune systems
    • have underlying medical conditions
  • Canada's pandemic goals, which are first, to minimize serious illness and overall deaths, and second to minimize societal disruption among Canadians. 
  • This approach will guide Canada's response to COVID-19. This guidance considers the Canadian context and is based on currently available scientific evidence, expert opinion and public health assumptions.
  • We will continue to follow their lead and respond to their recommendations.


Additional information on precautions for Manitobans can be found here: Manitoba Coronavirus


Alternate Options for Shaking Hands:

As a precationary measure, and to respect people's comfort levels, Badminton Canada is suggesting players may use any of the following options to replace the normal post-match "handshake" while still offering a sign of respect to opponent(s):

  • Elbow Bump
  • Head Nod with Eye Contact

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