South Winnipeg Badminton Group

South Winnipeg used to play out of the University of Manitoba, but due to it's growing size and popularity, they've moved to Prairie Badminton. They play almost every Tuesday and Friday from 8-10pm and Sunday from 2-4pm (check their facebook page for updates). 

They operate on a term by term basis (for example August to December), with the one term cost being $180, which includes a Prairie badminton base membership, court rental for the term, and plastic birdies. 

They also host a tournament for members each term (with prizes!) and have non-badminton activities such as a bake sale, summer barbeque and more. 

As the program is so popular, they are currently at their 50 player capacity and a wait list has been created. 

Many players within the group speak Mandarin, and the organizer speaks both Mandarin and Cantonese. This means that the group is an ideal fit for newcomers/people who speak these languages (especially for those who are not fluent in English). 

This diverse group welcomes people from all backgrounds. 

Please send an email to [email protected] for more information.